
It is the branch of dentistry that deals with improper positioning of teeth the word orthodontics is derived from the Greek words ortho, meaning "smooth" and "odons" meaning tooth. Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with the proper placement of teeth on the jaw bones and the diagnosis and treatment of facial irregularities.

Is there an age limit for orthodontic treatment?


The answer to this question is definitely no, with today's developing technology.

Orthodontic treatment is applied at any time from childhood to 6-7 years of age and until the end of your life. Of course, in cases of skeletal developmental disorders, such as if the lower jaw is forward, this situation can be prevented. However, skeletal intervention is not possible at later ages. In these cases, dental solutions that we call camouflage treatment are produced.

What are the orthodontic treatment options?

  • Classic orthodontic treatment (with braces)
  • Orthodontic treatment with transparent aligners
  • Additionally, extraoral and intraoral appliances used for skeletal anomalies

How does orthodontic treatment proceed with transparent aligners?

Transparent aligners are an orthodontic method that is not noticeable from a social distance, is extremely comfortable, aesthetic and provides faster results than classical braces treatment. A personalized treatment plan is created using a digital scan or manual intraoral impression, radiographic evaluation, and intraoral and extraoral photographs. How long the average treatment lasts determines what the result will be at the end of the treatment. Special plates for patients are prepared digitally and all plates are produced and delivered to the patient. Our patients switch to the next plate every two weeks

How long does orthodontic treatment last?

Perhaps the most curious thing about the entire treatment process for our patients who come for orthodontic treatment is the duration of the treatment. For this reason, an answer such as all orthodontic treatments will be completed in this amount of time cannot be given. The duration of treatment varies from case to case. In addition, our patient's response to treatment is one of the most important factors.

Research has shown that an average braces treatment lasts 18-24 months. However, although there are treatments that last much shorter than this period, there are also treatments that last longer than this period.

Another thing that should not be forgotten is that the patient must fully comply with the rules and instructions given by his physician. This compliance affects both treatment duration and treatment success.